[View from one of my notebooks…]
People are always getting excited about social media. I’m as guilty as anyone.
That being said, it’s not nearly as exciting as my favorite media of all- good ol’ fashioned pen & ink.
Or a good Beethoven piano sonata, come to think of it…
Much as I enjoy your drawings here, today my favorite part is that you’re sketching on staff paper. Am confident Beethoven would be pleased.
That sort of looks like a Beethoven sonata. (Was there much ergot poisining in his day? I forget.) š
Whoa. Do you usually use staff paper to write notes? It’s good to see what your work looks like when it’s messy — gives a little confidence to see that all of your ideas don’t spring from your head fully formed.
For me nothing beats writing a first draft on paper. I love both the feel of the materials and the ease of shutting off (external) distractions. The computer/internet then serve well as editing and transmitting tools.
Social media seems to know no boundaries as your technique illustrates. I think the idea of using different forms of personal expression to communicate is an important one in building personal relationships.After all, that’s what social media is all about and yet,as we go more and more to digital and mechanical devices, we lose the kind of personalization you show here. I don’t know much about the iPad or Kendell, but maybe those devises might provide an outlet for your form, but they will still lack a degree of personalization that pen and ink conveys.
Ooh, on notation paper. I’d love to hear someone try to play that.
Yes. Ink, pen, longhand for the draft. Feels good. Less props, all that. Very easy to carry around too.
I think you need to make these little guys into muppets and/or mobiles and/or plush animals that may or may not also be all of the above.
I do believe you have just sketched a Jon Spencer Blues Explosion song. Further proof that you are awesome.
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