Robots. Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.
We’re all tired of calling customer service and reaching a machine. Press 1 for…
Instead of making life simpler, a lot of digital tools have simply made it more annoying.
That’s what this image is about – in an age where many companies are caught up with innovation, what really makes a difference to your customers?
Reaching a human being.
Connection for the medical industry: remember who you serve.
Sick people. Scared people. People who are fighting illness. People who want to give up. People who refuse to.
This image is an attempt to put that all in perspective for medical professionals…
They need you. What are you going to do about it?
There are so many amazing men and women out there answering this question with their careers – this one’s for them.
Thanks for all you do. Thanks for your bravery.
One school of thought: take advantage of other people to get ahead.
Another argument for business culture: what matters most is how we treat the people around us.
Not just our friends and family – but our co-workers, partners, mentors, employees, etc. They count, too.
As Heraclitus (one of those wise old Greek guys, and a big believer in change) once said, “Character is destiny.”
They just exist.
It’s your choice.