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The Chinese have a lovely word, “Te”, which roughly means virtue, integrity, character, moral strength, etc. Ideally, *Te* manifests itself when one’s thoughts, words, …
A bird is flying around and gets blown by the wind. He doesn’t know why. We could try to explain to him that hot and …
It’s one of the most famous stories in antiquity. Early on in his campaign, Alexander The Great visited the town of Gordium. They had a …
There’s an inherent tension at the very center of the creative, productive life. On one side is “outputs”: the stuff you make, the stuff you …
Edelman, the world’s biggest PR firm has this annual report called the Edelman Trust Barometer. As stated in HBR’s series on trust, *trust* is a big deal. …
Here’s how we heard the story: A guy was charged with the task of increasing a toothpaste brand’s sales by 25%. If he succeeded, …