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[“Science Project”: part of the Microsoft Blue Monster Series. Backstory from Steve and Kris etc.] This cartoon was an attempt by me to sum up …
Thomas Otter [Chief Business Solution Architect at SAP] and Sigurd Rinde [Founder of Thingamy] have become friends. Thomas has some nice things to say about …
[Click on image to enlarge/download/print etc. Licensing terms here etc.] Thanks to everyone who met me for dinner last night: Euan, Adriana, James, Johnnie and …
Congrats to my friend, Seth Godin on the release of his new book, “The Dip”. Also, thanks to his publishers, Portfolio for sending me complimentary …
[Cartoon part of the Microsoft Blue Monster Series. Backstory from Steve and Kris etc.] Tim Kitchin of Glasshouse Partners left the following comment on my …
Congratulations to my old friend, Mary Hodder: Dabble’s now indexing 10 million videos.