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Jaiku, the Finnish microblogging site was just bought by Google. The full story is here. Jaiku was founded by Jyri Engestrom, the anthropologist who turned …
[WEST COAST UPDATE:] I’m speaking at the Business of Software conference at 2.30 on the 30th of October, at the San Jose Marriot. Other speakers …
I’m speaking at the BIMA Breakfast on Tuesday morning, in Soho. Feel free to come along. [British Interactive Media Association hompeage here.]
[Official “Smarter Wine” logo etc.] At Stormhoek, the wine company I work for, our basic schtick is this philosophy we call “Smarter Wine”. This is …
In case you don’t know this already, Twitter has become a major part of my online schtick. You can follow my Twitter page here. Thanks.
I just got the following comment on gapingvoid: Hugh, Since you’re rubbing elbows with the Blue Monster, maybe you could ask him who talked him …