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Simple symbols convey complex ideas. For example, two intersecting lines symbolize a religion held by 2.2 billion people and a religious text of 783,000 words. …
As Harvard Business Review recently argued, “in a volatile world, your strategy must be flexible.” Today, nobody denies the world is volatile. It’s especially easy …
Walk past any fast food joint these days, and you’ll most likely see a “HELP WANTED” sign, often offering terms that were unheard of a …
It’s the age-old question. What boosts creativity? What’s the best way to get in the zone? Hint: It’s not drugs and booze (although it might increase how creative you FEEL …
They say the best consultants plan for their own obsolescence i.e. they do such a good job imparting new skills and knowledge to their clients, …
“Ritual is the enactment of a myth. And, by participating in the ritual, you are participating in the myth. And since myth is a projection …