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This sweet image was the product of a conversation on a recent flight to Miami. I had the privilege of chatting with Carey Newman, Director of Baylor University …
Advice to young people, just leaving college? 1. Work hard. 2. Be kind. 3. Learn to write properly. The first two are pretty obvious …
It was quite fashionable there for a while, to think that instead of hiring all these high-dollar, top tier marketing people, you could just …
This Fast Company article about the things Facebook, IDEO and Virgin America have in common actually reveals some of the secret code of the most successful organizations. …
Sreedhari Desai has published some really compelling work on how certain messages and objects at work influence behavior, including such issues as morality. Sreedhari’s work has been …
The bad new is, yes, this is all there is. The good news is, yes, this is all there is. But that’s OK. Life is …