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Stop waiting around for perfect conditions before making your move. Perfect conditions do not exist, not in nature, not in the business world, not …
J.S. Bach has a very famous piece “Cantata #140, “Sleepers Awake”. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, especially the more well-known parts. “Waking Up” is a …
Are you doing something because you love it, or because it looks good on paper? Are you doing something because it sounds good, or …
Buddha once said that “Life is suffering”. He didn’t say that most of our suffering is self-inflicted. Or if he did, that part was …
This is not an ad for workaholism. This is an ad for the idea that maybe, just maybe, work is a central pillar of our …
The temptation is always to make things more complicated than they need to be. Maybe instead, you just need to start. Good luck.