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Michael Phillips once wrote that our greatest tragedy is that we undervalue our own experiences. If it happened to me, it couldn’t have been that …
Contrary to popular belief, art is not some kind of mystical woo, separate from the day-to-day of human endeavor. Making art in any quantity requires …
Yeah, so you’re busy painting the Sistine Chapel, but you still have dishes to wash, diapers to change, e-mails to send, lawns to mow, groceries …
Behavioral economists pretty much agree that money isn’t the best motivator. It’s intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivators, and given reasonable levels of compensation, most people will …
There’s a myth that the cool kids aren’t interested in money, that they’re more interested in all that other stuff like purpose and meaning and authenticity (Hence …
“What Is” is boring. “What Could Be” is interesting. That’s actually not true from a Buddhist or Mystical perspective, but it’s certainly true when you’re …