Three times a week, we'll send you a thought-provoking illustration about the world of work along with a short snippet of insight. Our emails cover topics like company culture, design thinking, leadership strategies, creating better-functioning teams, navigating the hybrid work environment, and more. They are designed as quick reads to give you insight into working smarter and being more connected to why you do what you do. We also feature guest posts from thought leaders around the world and answer culture questions sent in by our readers. People who enjoy the daily email most are often senior leaders in business, healthcare execs, entrepreneurs, and academics.
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To stick with the pack, or leave it? Probably the greatest, most troubling, and pertinent question of our time. Do I join the big corporation, …
Freud once said that the adult needs acquire two basic skills in order to be happy- the capacity to love, and the capacity to work. …
Arianna Huffington said it best.”If you don’t have a cause, get one.“ Change begins with need. It begins with cause. Only then can there be action. …
What are you willing to do to feel alive? We have lives, we have work, we have suits and ties and nice shoes, but a …
How conducive is your space to your creativity? We’re not asking how many bean bags or espresso machines you have, we want to know how functional …
The thing about the “personal journey” is that it’s, you know, personal. No one can convince you it’s worth doing, and it’s no one’s place to. …