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How do you know you’re doing your best work? When you’re proud of everything you do. Pride is a deadly sin. It’s ego and it’s …
The most sought-after jobs tend to come with two parts: The sexy, glamorous part (fancy Paris/New York/Tokyo offices, Italian suits, expensive client dinners, business class …
Competition, against ourselves or against others, is what gets the best results from us. But so does collaboration. How does that work? Let’s reframe the …
When Lego’s CEO, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, was hired in 2004, his first step was to take himself back to school. Knudstorp went on a discovery …
Great things don’t happen by accident, or on the way. Believing is the first step — but to reinforce that belief, we have to break …
Like Seth Godin says, “Don’t wait to be picked, pick yourself“. We’re not in a world that waits for ideas to be ‘green-lighted’ anymore. Do you …