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Want to be a real leader? Let your team members know you value them. Let them know you’re paying attention, and praise them freely. …
Great companies stop being great companies when their best people start to leave. In 2015, Gallup reported that only 32% of people felt engaged …
When a business owner describes his company “like family”, of course, it’s not true, technically. Technically, you’re all just there for the paycheck. Technically, …
Telling people what to do is easy. Forcing them to do it is easy. Shutting down the entire US Government by force and dictum is …
Rackspace, our clients and friends, have a one-track mind. They’re focused on customer success. They’re invested in their customers doing as well as they can, …
Cellphones are wonderful — but they’re only a tool. They’re not what keep us connected, but they help us stay connected. Every piece of …