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Understand that your human brain is wired to mimic others’ behaviors. Through cognizance at all times, you can catch yourself, and rewire for effectiveness. If you do …
The most frustrating feedback to receive is the vague “Push yourself.” Because when you’re working the longest hours you can, when you dream about deadlines and …
The trouble with avoiding mistakes is that you don’t learn anything. Which makes you even more likely to make mistakes… especially the big ones. Now, …
I’ve been listening to a lot of Future of Work experts over the last two decades. A lot of it, frankly, is buzzword salad. …
There’s a pretty flat hierarchy in the legal world, so an mnemonic was designed to informally signal the ranks. There are minders, there are grinders and …
A big company can only hope to act like a small company if it wants to keep growing. Agility and growth are not mutually exclusive. …