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Some people wake us up. They bring us a new idea or a new way to do things. They challenge us to think differently, they …
Why am I here? Why do I show up every morning? Sure, we all need to make a living. But compared to our caveman ancestors, …
“I didn’t fail, I just did 10,000 experiments” – Thomas Edison Edison’s line is just him taking the scientist’s mindset to business. Which, of …
This image was originally commissioned by Len Schlessinger when he was President of Babson College. Prior to that, he was Co-Chairman and COO of The Limited. Len …
The consulting and HR world is obsessed with assessments. But let’s think about this whole assessments frenzy. Assessments imply that having employee data will help us …
“My body is a temple” sounds like something the hippie-vegetarian-yoga crowd imported from the East. Actually, the phrase originates from the New Testament, Corinthians 6:19. We all …