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True story: This line came out of an original drawing I gave to Bill Gates, the first time I ever visited Microsoft campus in Redmond. I …
Entrepreneurial mindset is still misunderstood by many non-entrepreneurs. It is really a truth seeking, growth focused mental model that is fixated getting things done. Not just …
The famous Long Island band, The Stray Cats got their breakout moment in 1980, when on a whim, they sold all their stuff and flew to London, …
Don’t worry: you’re not the first one to have a really creative idea that’s mostly someone else’s idea with a few tweaks. That’s innovation. For …
Our friend, Joe Polish, is the founder of Genius Network, and is one of those people that everyone loves. He is generous, giving and elevates everyone …
Something is going on. It’s huge and it is impacting all of us. All of the conventional ways of ‘listening’ to people aren’t working and …