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So you didn’t come from the right family or go to the right school or have the right friends or work for the right company …
Like the old saying goes, people don’t remember stats, they remember stories. Go to any cocktail party. The girl trying to impress the guy isn’t talking about …
Ogilvy’s Rory Sutherland once made a great observation about the Eurotunnel, the 25+ mile underwater tunnel linking France and England. The joke was that, instead …
It’s quite easy, telling people what to do. What’s hard to do is all the complicated stuff. The grinding. The innovation work. Selling. Developing. Connecting …
“What matters” is a strictly personal decision. Only you know. But, as we grow older, it becomes apparent that choices matter and not spending your time …
It’s an obvious enough idea: That a company is much more than a bunch of people making and selling products, that there’s a whole OCEAN …