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The oldest story in the Western Canon is an adventure (The Iliad). The most successful movie franchise is history is an adventure (Star Wars). We …
People spend far too much time worrying about the physicality of their jobs. What kind of money they’d like to make, what kind of office …
So you’ve decided to be a creative genius. Good for you. A world of opportunity awaits. Not to mention money, groupies and plaudits. Just remember …
Happy Equal Pay Day! It’s 2018, let’s get equal. Right now, a woman is being interrupted, called difficult, receiving a poorer performance review, being passed over …
The famous opening lines in Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina: “All happy families are the same. All unhappy families are different in their own way.” A lot …
What is self-determination? Basically, it means that it’s better to paddles one’s own canoe, than to wait around to be invited onto somebody else’s yacht. …