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This is illustration is about a reality that’s far too common in far too many companies. It’s “lack of ownership”. Nobody is every blamed, but …
“Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art” – Andy Warhol famously said.“Making money is art and working is art and good business …
Something changed. It used to be, money was the only metric you needed to pay attention to. If you made ‘x thousand’, you were happy. If …
“Entrepreneurship is not a religion. It’s far more important than that.” Why are entrepreneurs the way they are? Because they have no choice. Entrepreneurship is …
The great book “The Happiness Advantage”, by Sean Achor basically states that success follows happiness, not the other way around. His TED talk is certainly worth watching. That’s counterintuitive, …
One of the best business books of the last decade is Eric Ries’ “The Lean Startup”. A great guy, we had dinner with him at SXSW …