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So you’re floating on this huge ball of rock, somewhere in the outer parts of a vast galaxy. And somehow you’re meant to make it …
I draw for a living. People often ask me what do I consider “art”? The good news is, I don’t have to answer that question properly. …
Ten years ago, Seth Godin published what is probably my favorite book of his, ”Tribes”. The thesis of the book is simple. One of humanity’s …
I got the idea for the illustration from listening to Guy Raz interview Michael Dell on the“How I Built This” podcast (which is excellent, by the way). …
So where does long-term prosperity come from? From innovation. And where does innovation come from? From ideas. And where do ideas come from? From thinking. …
The best part of being smart isn’t that you know more than the average joe. It’s that you get to hang around with other smart …