The Gapingvoid Email

Three times a week, we'll send you a thought-provoking illustration about the world of work along with a short snippet of insight. Our emails cover topics like company culture, design thinking, leadership strategies, creating better-functioning teams, navigating the hybrid work environment, and more. They are designed as quick reads to give you insight into working smarter and being more connected to why you do what you do. We also feature guest posts from thought leaders around the world and answer culture questions sent in by our readers. People who enjoy the daily email most are often senior leaders in business, healthcare execs, entrepreneurs, and academics.


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Read our latest posts below:

Changing the world is easy

Live Bravely

By David Essman | Jun 8, 2018

This week we saw two high profile suicides. Both public figures, accomplished, admired and beloved. We saw some news articles finally point out just how big a problem …

creative control is an oxymoron

So who calls the shots?

By David Essman | Jun 7, 2018

So who calls the shots? They guy with the money, or the guy with the talent? That depends on who needs who the most. Though …

Pardon me while I contend with my flawed existential self

Nobody’s Perfect

By David Essman | Jun 6, 2018

Jerry Colonna is famous in startup circles as a business coach. A former VC, he gave it all up to help people. Being a “Master Of …

dialogue with our purpose

A dialogue with purpose

By David Essman | Jun 5, 2018

So, when one is fighting the business culture war (i.e. trying to build an amazing culture at the office), one question you need to ask …

Find one customer and make their day better

Stop worrying about the robots, and start worrying about people.

By David Essman | Jun 4, 2018

You spend a couple of decades, your hear a lot of people in business with all these very fancy plans. Fancy plans, the majority of …

Find something ordinary and make it numinous

Feeling ordinary?

By David Essman | Jun 1, 2018

Numinous, as in, having a strong religious or spiritual quality. Touched by a divine presence, as it were. People find God all the time on …