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A dozen years ago or so, back when the blogosphere was still in its infancy, friend of Gapingvoid, Microsoft’s Steve Clayton just started blogging “stories” about his employer. …
Sometime early on in life, we are given an idea, a glimpse, of our true potential. We then spend the rest of our lives trying …
This line comes from George Orwell’s 1937 book, “The Road To Wigan Pier”. He was writing about working-class life in the North of England before the …
So, you want to attract the best talent? Create the best environment. The work that keeps companies going day in and day out is done …
We all have choices and there is so much talk about following your passion. I think following your passion is awesome, as long as you …
We raise our kids telling them that they’re “special” – which they are, of course. So they eventually get to college, hoping to keep the “special” …