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Think about your say, six or seven biggest business opportunities that came your way. What we’re sure you’ll notice in a lot of them, that …
In the old days, back when people had real jobs, you told people what you did: I’m a carpenter. I’m a doctor. I’m a steelworker. …
Whether searching for a Christian idea of God, or a Buddhist idea of Enlightenment, or even an atheist/secular idea of mindfulness…whatever it is that you’re …
As you already know it’s called the Pareto Principle, the 80/20 rule. It states that 80% of the impact is being made by 20% of the effort. …
When Europeans move to the the United States, one of the most unsettling bits of culture shock they experience is all the positive attitude everywhere. …
Thanks for all the comments on The Dip, which we referenced last week. There are so many fans of this book, that we decided to follow it …