The Gapingvoid Email

Three times a week, we'll send you a thought-provoking illustration about the world of work along with a short snippet of insight. Our emails cover topics like company culture, design thinking, leadership strategies, creating better-functioning teams, navigating the hybrid work environment, and more. They are designed as quick reads to give you insight into working smarter and being more connected to why you do what you do. We also feature guest posts from thought leaders around the world and answer culture questions sent in by our readers. People who enjoy the daily email most are often senior leaders in business, healthcare execs, entrepreneurs, and academics.


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Read our latest posts below:

Confront biases

Why you watch everyone making the same mistakes…over and over again

By David Essman | Feb 27, 2019

The universe is a very complex place. Obviously, our brains can’t take it all in. So over millions of years, we evolved shortcuts to see the world, with what …

Organizations need to be more empathetic

Putting Humanity Back Into Organizations

By David Essman | Feb 26, 2019

… Which is another way of saying, more like human beings, less like machines. It’s not that companies don’t need or have machine-like parts. But it’s …

I used to think the internet would save the world

A new era has begun

By David Essman | Feb 25, 2019

Apologies for the cynical illustration above, but we’ve been thinking about how the very utopian, pioneering idea of the web we grew up with (the …

your best self your best work

What do you do when you know it won’t get any better?

By David Essman | Feb 22, 2019

Mark Morris is a famous contemporary dancer and choreographer in New York. His dance company, The Mark Morris Dance Group tours the world, has its own large buildingin …

remember when people used to do as they were told

What your career and cat videos have in common

By David Essman | Feb 21, 2019

My father liked to talk about how much the world of work had changed since he was young. Being a “company man” back then was …

In a world of change we change first


By David Essman | Feb 20, 2019

If you’re in world that changes constantly (which you are, like it or not), it stands to reason that you be change-ready at all times, …