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The thing about work is that you’re going to encounter a bunch of people you don’t get along with. But you have to get along …
When you were a kid, tying your shoes was hard. Spelling was hard. Math was hard. (Math is still hard). But as you move on, the …
We all know that data science is all the rage, here to stay. The next thing we need to do is establish sustainable principles for …
We were surfing the archive, now probably 12-13,000 images, (interestingly, all designed to solve problems) and came across this oldie but goodie. When you are …
One of the things we affluent, supposedly happy Westerners suffer from, is that we like to make our lives far too complicated. We take on …
Joe Polish‘s Genius Network is one of the most prestigious Mastermind groups in the world. With 300 members paying between $25 and $100K a year to belong, …