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Fifteen years ago, we published this from The Hughtrain Manifesto: “Product benefit doesn’t excite us. Belief in humanity and human potential excites us.” “Think less about what …
Every country has their version of Memorial Day. The idea is that we honor those who came before us. We see leaders who are driven …
In many production and services businesses, there’s the old saying, “Cheap. Fast. Good. Pick two.” And in yuppie circles, there’s a similar saying: “Friends. Career. …
Sure, people like their autonomy, they like not being micromanaged, they like being left alone to get on with their work. However, for all that …
“Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” -Samuel Johnson This article …
We’ve been watching the Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes train wreck with great interest. Most entrepreneurs are happy to claim that they’ll do “whatever it takes” to …