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There are bosses, and then there are superbosses. What is a superboss? It’s not that they are giants themselves (which they are), but that they hire …
The Roman army had three layers: the legionnaires (the rank and file), the centurions (junior officers), and the generals (senior officers). And of these three, …
In Viking times, when young men reached that awkward stage (too old to be a kid, but still too weak to fulfill the duties of …
It’s always interesting to see how norms change, and how behavior, at scale shifts over time. Here is a story about the ad industry that …
Just because folk like us are using say, Amazon more often, doesn’t mean our need for human contact has lessened. To quote Deb Schultz, “Technology changes, …
It’s a funny thing about disruptive technology. Sometimes the tech isn’t actually that disruptive. Take Airbnb, it’s totally disrupting the hotel business. But if you look at …