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Some of the biggest news in creative circles this year has been that Jony Ive is leaving Apple, after a quarter-century of reaching the highest heights …
Life is harder now because our world is designed to distract us. Our world is more confusing than ever. This is no secret. Depression …
That’s the first thing you notice when you leave college. Suddenly nobody has any time anymore. Especially you. I like Sherry. She’s a nice young …
[NB. SPOILERS AHEAD] Tolstoy’s Prince Andrei (“War And Peace”) is one of the great tragic figures in literature. He starts off promisingly enough- an idealist, …
So there is a lot of social and political pressure nowadays for more diversity and equality in all aspects of public life (including race, …
Our friend Brian has been collaborating with us since 2007. We’ve done super cool projects for Linkedin (Once Upon A Digital Time and Attention Is A Currency) as …