B.L. Ochman’s 12 Tenets of Social Media Marketing. Including:
I. The public is the Lord thy God
Ultimately you can only succeed if your communications produce results, which shall be known as return on investment, by reaching the greater public. This can only be achieved only if your product doesn’t suck and your communications are not only clear, but also interesting.
Verily, if you can become a useful source of information, your message may be heeded, or at least looked at ever so briefly.
IX. Thou shalt not refuse to comment when thy company is under fire.
Diggeth a hole and put in thy head only if thy care not that thy brand image will then turn to do do. “No comment” is a fine phrase for royalty, criminals and celebrities, but not so great for corporations who have a responsibility to shareholders, clients and consumers.
Unfortunately, in difficult situations it may be impossible for representatives to tell the media the whole truth. Try thee to be honest about which subjects thou wilt be able to talk frankly about and which you may find difficult to comment upon.
In accordance with the sixth tenet, it’s better to give a concise response that is straight to the point, than one that is evasive, lengthy and obviously spun.
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thanks for running this hugh. you rock.
Hi Hugh,
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your drawings. Thank you for sharing them.
Bonne continuation.