This was an image originally created for the remarkable Len Schlesinger, currently Foundation Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, when he was the President of Babson College.
But what does the cartoon mean to me now, a few years later?
Well, there’s a great thing the actor and martial artist, David Carradine once said about Kung Fu. To paraphrase:
“What does every Kung Fu student want? To be more like their teacher. What does their teacher do? He teaches.”
I guess the moral of the story is, if you want to learn the secrets without sharing them one day, don’t expect to ever learn the secrets.
“Shaping learners of all kinds” might sound like your typical education platitude, one that any school could put on their marketing material and not be questioned on it.
But to actually live it, to embody it? I could think of worse ways to spend one’s life.