A few days ago, I wrote about how PSFK, the New York-based marketing and trend-spotting company, commissioned me to design a “Cube Grenade” for their upcoming conference on April 9th, 2010. Piers Fawkes, PSFK’s head evil genius just wrote a lovely blog post about the commission:
MacLeod told PSFK that he wants people to commission him to create original Cube Grenades to give to their clients and partners. Responding to a brief to subtly present an single idea he hopes these illustrations will sit on the walls of offices and other workplaces and as people pass by it over time the message might sink in with a few people. He argues that Cube Grenades aren’t really designed to ’sell’ like, say, traditional advertising. Instead, MacLeod hopes that they hit a nerve and start conversations that will help lead to sales down the road, but the primary purpose “takes a more indirect, perhaps more disruptive path.”
It’s a nice background story on the whole “Cube Grenade” concept. I hope you’ll go check it out. Rock on.
[Commission your own Cube Grenade.] [The Cube Grenade archive is here.]