When it comes to changing corporate culture, THIS is the gapingvoid mantra.
Too many leaders expect things to change, without changing how anyone feels about anything, without altering the emotional landscape of the company.
They think that all you need is to send a well-crafted memo and the world will turn on a dime. Uh-huh. Right.
Actually, the only thing that turns on a dime is feelings. A person you’re dating can fall in love with you over a single sentence. Or fall out of love with you. Just like that, the switch goes off.
Same goes for an employee. A major change is emotional brain chemistry can be ignited just by this one little thing you do or say.
Once you’ve flicked the switch, there’s no going back. No amount of reason and argument will help you after the fact.
Which is why we tell clients, before you ask us to help you change anything, please figure out what feelings you’re hoping to change, which emotional switch you’re hoping to flick.
That is where the real change happens: in our hearts, not in the PowerPoint deck.