Oh Great.
Of course this is a parody of a parody. 🙂
The idea of inspirational posters for business was popularized by Successories of Boca Raton, Fla. The company was started in 1985 and it would appear that not much has changed since. Especially when it comes to their use of language. It is really hard to take their voice seriously. Who really talks like that anymore? They are stuck in 1985. Remember 1985? Pre-mobile, pre PC, almost pre-Apple.
It’s easy to be dismissive about art created with motivation in mind, but that is where art began. The oldest buildings in the world are nothing if not tributes to the art of the day. They were created at a time when life was hard, work was miserable, and motivation was created through spiritual connections.
We believe, as Alain De Botton says, “Art should remind you of what there is to love, what there is to hate and fear”. People do need reminders, guideposts, in life AND at work. As work has invaded so much of people’s existence, it is more important than ever to figure out what matters. Art can help us better understand our purpose, place and existence.
We always come back to the question: If you are a leader in a business, what tools do you have to help you communicate, guide and inspire your people? How do you explain what is important and what matters? Can you guide your organization through creating more inspired spaces?
Quoting De Botton again, “Art should be one of the tools through which we improve our society”. Business is such an essential part of our lives, we believe that we do need to create a visual, visceral connection with our most important ideas.
We believe it’s about art as a tactic, a tool that scales, to point people toward finding meaning and purpose in the search of their most important ideas.