After I found myself permanently exiled from the advertising business in late 2004, I found myself with only a single, unpaid gig remaining i.e. this website, gapingvoid.
Luckily this unemployed phase didn’t last long. Sure, I had a month or two of being poor and desperate, but then English Cut came along, then Thingamy, then Stormhoek, then the consulting, then the Blue Monster, then the paid speaking gigs. Within two years or so I had turned the ship around quite nicely.
But somehow gapingvoid got lost in the mix. Even though the plan has always been to keep gapingvoid at the very epicenter of what I do, in the last 18 months or so it seemed to get increasingly pushed to the margins.
I guess that’s not surprising. With so much going on it’s hard to make a small cartoon blog [with equally small advertising revenues] the main focus of one’s business.
But of course, without gapingvoid, my own personal global microbrand, the other stuff would never have been possible. Therein lies the rub.
The last three years has been without question the most exciting period of my career, but My God, it has stretched me thin. I’m worn out.
So this last week I’ve been telling people I work with, I’m changing the game plan. I’m going back to basics. From now on building “the gapingvoid brand” will become my first priority. Yes, I will still be working with the same people and projects I’m working with now, in much the same way, but in a much less involved capacity.
Time to regroup. Indeed.
I’m thinking now would be a good time to thank everybody who reads gapingvoid on a regular basis. Without you, the last three amazing years would never have happened.
Thanks, Everybody. You guys rock.
Congratulations, Hugh. We’re all here rooting for you (and Gapingvoid!)
See you in London on 12/6…
tough decision, but the right one, I think, well done.
This site is your personal (global micro)brand.
The other stuff is important too but it comes from the invaluable posts on this site. Thank YOU for that!
Now off to my too-neglected blog!
Great news, Hugh. Cheers, and here’s to the worldwide domination of gapingvoid.
You’ve got to look after that global microbrand first! Looking forward to seeing the results on the site Hugh.
Glad I picked this moment in time to ‘discover’ your blog, then š
Keep ’em coming!
All success
Good call mate. You’ve looked stretched lately. If you were a corporation and employed mealy-mouthed spokesman it might be claimed you were ‘re-focusing on core activities’. All the best.
Look forward to your Gaping Void work!
Bravo! It’s fun to imagine you looking back from 10 years in the future, hugging yourself with gratitude for all that flowed from the simple act of acting on your own best inner wisdom.
Sounds like you’ve been doing a lot of soul searching the last few weeks/months and that this decision has been waiting to come out. You got to do what makes you happy, good luck =)
bravissimo hugh
hang in there
even when we don’t interact with you we’re still reading you and being inspired
GV rocks, Hugh. Keep up.
Why were you exiled out of the adschmad business? Did you do a Jerry Maguire?
Congratulations on the Stormhoek success as Brand of the Year, BTW.
Follow your instincts Hugh! It seems to be working. Thanks for all the thought provoking material in 2007.
as someone whose personal blog has completely suffered due to working on a different project, i totally understand your situation and i take my hat off to you.
your widget though is brilliance and it keeps what you started here everywhere.
im also glad you are on facebook because im able to size your widget there in a much larger setting.
rock on bro!
go for it, hugh – can we expect a ‘mygapingvoid’ anytime soon … š
i’ll get me coat.
You continue to inspire, Hugh! Cheers!
Glad you reached this new level, can’t wait to see the next.
You are one the main reasons I got involved with blogging. Your cartoons are my daily escape, and it is great to hear that I’m not alone wading through the swamp of being a young professional.
Keep doing your thing.
Keep it coming, man. You’ve earned the trust of so many readers — we’ll keep following your work regardless.
All the best, Hugh! š
I’m just glad I stumbled across Gaping Void,
we all love u, hugh. the world loves u. rock on, wise one. š
Strange-to me you have always argued about the other site of business – nothing really changed – of course everybody has to earn money but this is a phony way to leave the field!
You are betraying yourself – it seems that you have been rather pissed from the working situation you came from and after all went right for you and your freaky mind got accepted from the corporates again you leave the field – poor! This has nothing to do with a loyal behaviour – way before I started at BSI I watched your blog – it was good but after you got this much of attention from the traditional media the quality and the humor of your blog constantly declined and your attitude was more arrogant than ever! I don’t wish you the best!
Rock on, Hugh. You’re an inspiration.
Good on you, Hugh. To quote Hans Hofmann, “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”
a faithful reader
glad to be at this epicenter. Keep it going.
Well, if you call this slacking and neglecting, then I must have had my expectations set too low. In that case, I very much look forward to what comes next. It’s no exaggeration at all to say I’ve been greatly inspired by your example as well as by your words & cartoons. I have printed out the Hughtrain long ago, and reread it once in a while, which is more of my attention than Tom Peters or Seth Godin gets (as far as I’m concerned, you three form a kind of new marketing holy trinity).
Anyways, sex or money, right?
I’m just now reading Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art … sounds like you’re path has been a perfect example of what he’d call going “pro” I am very happy for your prosperity. Rock on.
Amen. You’re so right. Life is short. Well done.
you’re awesome š
Like you I’ve been “too busy” lately to blog and podcast and, like you, the blogging and podcasting brought me all the cool work I’m currently engaged in and have been thinking similar thoughts (about needing to get back to basics) recently.
So…. I started to write a comment here and realized it would be better if I blogged first and commented second :)!
The blog entry is posted ( and here’s the comment:
Thanks Hugh!
Congrats on your successes, Hugh! I am looking forward to seeing get your focus on and take us all to the next level. I have learned so much from this blog, definitely one of my faves.
Good luck, Hugh. Go for it!
Look forward to whatever emerges now. You microbrand is terrific and fundamentally generative. Good call. Best wishes.
I think you are genius no matter what form you share your talent in-be it with these brilliant cartoons, wine labels or web initiatives. Thanks for what you’ve given us so far, and here’s wishing you the very best for the next three years and beyond too!
You sound so inspired! I can’t wait to see what is next.
It sounds like you have an incredibly clear vision for the future of Gaping Void. Keep on keepin’ on!
Dear Lawd, Hugh. With that lead in, I thought you were going to quit blogging and take a job witrh Microsoft, hawking the Blue Monster.
Thanks for staying on the blog. I would deeply miss Gaping Void if you ended it.
Have you thought about building out a theme based on your art? I think the gapingvoid brand should start with a fantastic gapingvoid designed site (ahem… also recommend WordPress š
Whatever you choose, we’ll still be reading!
Good luck Hugh – sensible move and I have missed some of your earlier blog-borne insights lately.
You’re quite unique and you always make me chuckle, even when we don’t totally agree.
Rock on indeed!
Congrats on your turn-around Hugh! I love your ideas.
Rock on yes!
You are the brand. You mean something to me through your art. I’ve never cared about the wine the suits or the fucking blue monster. I don’t give a shit about your views on blogging. I want you to just do what you want to do bro in whatever medium. Your level of talent and voice is astonishing to me. Good luck. Hope you get stinking rich before you’re dead. If you are into that sought of thing š
Great stuff – I was worried for some time there that you were going to announce the very opposite.
Does this mean returning to more time in Cumbria so? It can only be good for the spirit – and therefore gaping void?
Great Hugh you reminded me what the hell I should be doing. Keep walking the fells of Cumbria you lucky SOB.I’ll keep reading even when I want to crown you with Hotspurs Battle Axe.
Hugh, you’re amazing and inspirational in every thing you’ve done since I first started reading your stuff almost 3 years ago – cheers!
I can’t help wondering whether “the mix” actually _is_ your [micro-]brand; that you are walking the talk is much of what makes your blog worth following.
(Yes, your cartooning is inspired, but you’re not alone in that; agreed, keeping the workload under control is essential; I hope that you don’t pull back _too_ far from your side-projects.)
Looking forward to another “How To be more creative”
No dude…you rock. Like totally, shmotally, rock.