This is very cool. Some students made a 3-minute YouTube animation short, inspired by my “How To Be Creative” manifesto.
Blurb: “Motion design clip made by c-md students inspired by the “how to be creative” manifest by Hugh Macleod. (made by Toon Gorissen, Niek Kosten & Martijn Pillards).”
Thanks Toon, Niek and Martijn. It rocks!
Favourite line: “…which is why there are so many hack writers with state-of-the-art laptops.”
That’s so awesome!
“portrait” of our world ;))
Dear, may name is Alexandre
I Like you blog….
this is great
it makes me curious about your feelings on interprative design?
Simply brilliant. I’ve often felt that I missed out on LSD as some secret to doing wilder work, until I see how paranoid my friend’s that did LSD are now. And by heck, I’m paranoid enough without drugs. Work work work and more work with some persistance. That is what it’s all about. Oh yeah, and it helps if you actually are creative.
Nice interpretation, though I have to say it was easier to read than it was to comprehend the robovoice. Also, I’m not sure about the absolute statement that there’s no link bnetween creativity and equipment. I can see an argument that there’s no link to pure philospohical creativity, but there’s surely a link in terms of the palette available, the tools at hand to make an execution or even help inspire the original notion. Ultimately in practice, the quality of execution (which can be determined by available equipment) becomes a measure of perceived creativity, doesn’t it? I think there’s a continuum of priority. At one end is the problem solving, conceptual end of creating and at the other end is the gloss of art and execution (tools and equipment) Great ideas start at the former, in my opinion. Though I’m often wrong.
Bill Hicks on the topic of drugs
“See, I think drugs have done some good things for us, I really do. And if you don’t believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight, take all your albums, all your tapes, and all your CDs, and burn ‘em. ‘Cause you know what? The musicians who made all that great music that’s enhanced your lives throughout the years…rrrrrrrrrreal fucking high on drugs. And those other musicians today who don’t do drugs, and in fact speak out against them? Boy, do they suck! What a coincidence!”
another coincidence: just half a year before these students from belgium made up this film, a few hundreds km further in the netherlands i also made an animation about Creativity. Funny how some ideas or subjects just seem to pop up at the same time at total different places. I hadn’t read Hugh manifesto then. I have now, i wonder how it would’ve changed my film?
anyway; check it out at