[See the trailer here.] [Read the blog here.]
It’s official: My friend Dave Mackenzie’s film, Hallam Foe, is being released in the UK on August 31st.
You may remember last October, when we had a bloggers’ screening for the movie, back when it was still in rough cut. About 20 bloggers showed up, plus David and few of the folk on the production, David gave a nice speech, we all watched the movie, then we all went and had some dinner, all paid for by Buena Vista International.
Well, we’re doing it again, to tie in with the final cut’s official release. There will be another blogger’s private screening on June 14th at 6.30 in Soho, London [Full details to be released closer to the date]. Not only will David be there like last time, he and the leading man, Jamie Bell, will be doing a Q&A session. And there’ll be complimentary drinks and munchies afterwards.
I’ve got a few tickets to give away. If you fancy coming just drop me an e-mail with the words “Hallam Foe” in the subject header, and I’ll see what I can do. Please bear in mind that the number of people wanting tickets will probably exceed the number of seats, but I’ll do my very best.
All bloggers who come along, of course, will be under no obligation whatsoever to blog about it, good or bad.
Yes, I’ve seen the film, and of course I recommend it highly. David is a seriously good filmmaker. He also made another famous Scottish movie, “Young Adam” with Ewan McGregor and Tilda Swinton, and is now considered a small classic. All very exciting etc.
Feel free to blog this, or spread the word as you see fit etc, Thanks.
I’m fairly certain i saw a trailer on Sky for Film4 promoting Hallam Foe. Is that so?
I saw the rough cut back in October and loved it. I wish I could go but I’ll be in Ethiopia that day. It sounds almost as cool as a private screening. š
For those who are around, it is well worth seeing and having the opportunity to talk to the people behind it is something I hate to miss.
Oh dear, Isn’t that the evening Jason Calacanis is wanting his London dinner/meetup.
Film 4 also trailered it. I am sure they did.
I recall watching a trailer(?) on myspace months ago regarding this film. Is HALLAM FOE also being released in the states?
I believe Hallam has a dist. deal in the USA, yes.
So yeah, it should be coming to a theatre near you etc etc. Though I don’t know exactly when.
Geoff, I spoke to Jason last night, and he’s coming to the screening. Rock on.
Thats real cool Hugh – lets hope you can spare a ticket for us folks in the fens..
Hallam Foe is screening at the Sydney Film Festival. I want to go and see the film but I work odd hours and can’t get the time off so it looks like I’m going to miss out on seeing it. Bummer. I hope a distributer picks it up to show in Australia.
I received an invite for this, and am looking forward to attending. A splendid wheeze; delighted you came up with it!