Freud once said that the adult needs acquire two basic skills in order to be happy- the capacity to love, and the capacity to work.
I would go one further. I would add gratitude to the list.
A toddler can love. A teenager can have a great work ethic.
But gratitude takes A LOT longer to learn. It takes most of us to reach middle age before we’re even close.
You want to be happier and more successful? Try gratitude first.
What about the capacity to love work? Sounds like a silly paradox but I love to write thought provoking opinion pieces about technology and the Australian economy. I have always wanted to write my own blog and be a successful writer and respectable journalist, what makes it hard is that not many people value content and want to monetize right away.
Once we fully understand the difference between being alive and not, only a fool fails to become thankful of every moment. Edward