Seth Godin says we’re looking for change in all the wrong places.
If you want to make an impact, you need to know how to reach people. You have to be specific.
There has to be a goal.
And that goal has to do with people and their emotions.
Nothing important can happen without creating emotion. Emotion is the great ruler of all of us; it determines what we do and what sticks to us.
But creating emotion is hard. It takes endless energy. It takes emotional commitment, first and foremost, from you. So how do you know if it’s worth it?
There’s three kinds of people. Imagine them on a scale:
At one end, you have people who can’t change — they resist, they’re not interested. And that’s fine. But they’re not for you.
At the other end, you have people who are always changing. They are dandelions in the wind. They are amorphous. They won’t be loyal to you. They’re not for you either.
In between, you have people who are open to change, but need a catalyst. They’re willing to learn, but they won’t change for just anything; they need the right thing at the right time. But it can happen. And they’re worth your time.