[Facebook getting a lot of space on Techmeme, ‘natch.]
[Related:] Great post from Doc Searls:
But the problem for Mark, for Jeremiah, and for all of us (including yours truly) is that we too easily default to framing our understanding of advertising in its own terms. We regard advertising as an independent variable: something ya gotta have. But in fact advertising is a dependent variable. The independent variable is the individual human being. As Chris Locke put it so perfectly nine years ago, we are not seats or eyeballs or end users or consumers. we are human beings and our reach exceeds your grasp. Deal with it.
Why not? I hear it’s the new Microsoft 😉
yep it should we enough that the facebook corporate colors were inspired by gapingvoid 🙂
Ceci n’est pas un posting concernant Facebook.
Amen, brother.
thank you for not drawing a cartoon about fucking facebook.
Thanks mate 🙂 I’m also totally disgusted about the large amount of facebook related sh*t all around the web. I’m happy to see others have noticed it too and are refusing to go with the flow 🙂
I’ve heard of facebook but now there’s a fucking facebook? awesome… I guess that seriously would rule the world, huh?
amen brother – but, you knew I would say that..;)