“Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art” – Andy Warhol famously said.“Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.”
Warhol probably meant this when he said it. He may also have been trolling us at the same time (One never knows with Warhol).
But to me, it certainly makes sense. I’ve always thought the entrepreneurial gene and the art gene were in fact the very same creative gene, just manifested differently.
And if you watch this fascinating video, you’ll find Toronto University Professor, Dr Jordan Peterson concurring.
Food for thought, to say the least.
Not everybody is that creative. But the ones who are, need to have it play a central role in their work. Otherwise they will just curl up and die.
Know this, and plan accordingly.
artistic pattern really help to find out the traditional fact. Which help to know about the tradition . now a time is a great business . It helps to create a new culture and design . http://cpaoffersmedia.com/pro/g1420/?cid=33&uid=67