A lovely article in The Spectator states the obvious: that if you want to live long and happily, for heaven’s sake, keep your brain occupied.
In the old days, people measured “success” by say, the size of their house, or the make of their car.
We think there’s a new metric- a much more important one:
You measure success by the stuff you allow in your brain.
i.e. If most of your day is spent thinking about interesting, stimulating things, that is a successful existence. If most of your day is thinking about drudgery and trivia, then less so.
This is why, when we hear about billionaires who work in cubicles or still live in relatively modest houses, we’re not surprised. Because they didn’t get successful thinking material goods were important. They got successful by being single-minded about the stuff they let in between their ears… stuff far more interesting than material possessions.
Rich or poor, young or old, atheist or religious, the game is the same. The game is about consciousness. Think about this deeply.
Don’t let success spoil the fertile ground where the “success seed” sprouted. I would say one has to actively take steps to prevent corruption of the environment where success was brewed!
Deepali Sinha
Art for Mental Health