[$50 Deposit Button….]
[The official PayPal deposit button for my latest “Crazy, Deranged Fools” Newsletter offer. To get the details, you need to have already been subscribed to it etc.]
[$50 Deposit Button….]
[The official PayPal deposit button for my latest “Crazy, Deranged Fools” Newsletter offer. To get the details, you need to have already been subscribed to it etc.]
…yea it has cost a man everything and given him all that is too much of nothing. It has driven us
across stormy seas and mountains; for the Cup of Gold; and rewarded us with the hollow, pyrrhic victories of ostentation and pretence, rewarded us with the complexities of paranoia, troubled legacies, dynasties of paper, minarets that climb heavenward unto the raging storm…
I seek bold buccaneers with ice in their veins and fire in their hearts ! Is the journey always to be a long and tiresome cavalcade of meanlingless ruination?
I heard that this button is for a less than half priced litho. Which one is it?
I got a copy of the CDF newsletter emailed to me and it’s the Create or Die litho at like 70% off, but I think you have to sign up to the newsletter first.
I just snagged one :-))
I just snagged one :-))
HAHAHAHA- Hugh, has anyone figured this out? The PP button just sits here, what a scream. Just got mine…. I guess I’ll have to go sign up to the newsletter now?
Hugh, why no explanation of what this button is for?
Why the secret? I just bought one, and emailed about five friends Hope you don’t mind ;-))
Hugh, I don’t understand why you haven’t gone public with this, I’ve been reading the blog for 2 years…. Doesn’t see right that you don’t say what it’s for. Anyway, I got one, are there many remaining? Would you comment please?
Am having trouble with Paypal. bit finally got through. Thx. looking forwar. Why the secrecy?
Where I come from, $165 is still a lot of money, but I can afford the $50 down, when is the rest due? I follow your twitter.
Thanks, just got one for my gf who is a graphic designer….
Hugh, can you please tell us what this button is for?
Hugh, I read your blog every week but don’t want you newsletter. Why do I have to subscribe to the newsletter? Is this button for a ‘members only’ kind of deal? Of so, that sucks. Anyway I want one.