It’s far too easy to just think of businesses in the abstract, as this “thing”, this machine, that just runs on autopilot, creating shareholder value yada yada yada.
When in fact businesses are far more messy, because people are messy, life is messy. How could it possibly be otherwise?
There I was, yet another young man who went into the business world, hoping that it would metaphorically transform his life from the usual slacker-hipster college goofball archetype, to a more slick, bright, shiny object archetype, with the crisp clean lines of a Warhol soup can. That kinda thing.
Actually, no. In fact, it got even more messy. Campus life was never this chaotic. I know, right?
I guess the ones who succeed in business are the ones who aren’t as easily fooled as I was, back in the day. Live and learn.