I said earlier that if the Microsoft “Blue Monster” cartoon got enough traction inside Microsoft and its extended family, Stormhoek would consider doing a signed, limited edition lithograph.
Well, according to Microsoft’s Streve Clayton, this appears to be exactly what’s happening.
Very cool.
Therefore I am happy to announce that the lithographs are now at the printer’s, they’ll be here on Monday, and hopefully I’ll be signing them next week, once I get back from Le Web 3 in Paris.
Rock on.
[PS: Note to all Microsoft employees: Yes, you can use the image as part of your e-mail signature, just like Steve does. Go right ahead. Also, feel free to put it up on your blog sidebar, if you have one, again, just like Steve does. That would be terrific. Thanks.]
cool stuff Hugh – dropping in to see Jason next Weds with James Akrigg. We hope to have a present for you 🙂
It is cool that Microsoft allowed Cory Doctorow to come on “campus” and criticize Microsoft’s support for DRM. http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/archives/001632.php