Basically, we all want to be remarkable- literally, worth remarking upon.
i.e. we want our work to be successful, worth talking about. We want it to matter, we want it to count.
But that is just the result, it’s not the actual thing. It’s the scorecard, but not the game itself.
The game begins with the collective, begins with everybody coming together and working on a common goal.
But just “working” isn’t enough. Any fool can work. Any fool can dig a hole and immediately fill it up again. Lots of effort, with little result.
Somewhere along the line the you need to get inspired. The stuff needs to matter. The stuff needs to connect on a collectively deeper level than just making and selling.
Only then will it be remarkable, be worth talking about.
Inspiration is the thing that holds it all together. Inspiration is the killer app. Ignore it at your peril.