I’m assuming you’re a lot like us; a lot like most members of the Gapingvoid Tribe.
i.e. You’re striving for something better, you’re trying to get your family, business, career, the people in your world, up to the next level.
i.e. You have no intention of just sleepwalking through life, but always looking for ways to raise your spiritual game and make life more meaningful.
So how does one do that?
Well, you have a whole lifetime to figure that one out, maybe more.
One thing we have found out the hard way (it literally took decades longer than it should have), is just how underrated the power of gratitude is.
It’s funny, but the more thankful you are for your existence, the easier it is to take advantage of just being you. The easier it is to make the most of this moment in the here and now, no matter how small that moment might be.
It’s the “miserable ingrates” who are just fumbling along, waiting for the “BIG DEAL” thing to come their way and save their sorry lives from oblivion.
But with gratitude, any moment can be made magical.
Which is what it’s all about…