[Buy the print here etc.]
Back in Blogging’s glory days of 2007 (Man, that seems like a LONG time ago), my client, the Stormhoek winery was sponsoring the famous annual Techcrunch Party in Silicon Valley.
To add some fun to the event, we made up 1000 signed, limited edition commemorative prints, which we handed out free to the guests.
Of all the Techcrunch Party prints we made over the last four years, I probably have the most affection for this one. The image is of a map of the San Francisco area, with a blue “X” marking the exact spot in Menlo, CA. where the party took place.
I’ve always like maps, I’ve always liked the relationship between a 2-D, visual representation and the actual terrain. Bear in mind up to that point- Summer, 2007, I had never ventured to Silicon Valley before, I could only imagine what it must be like to be there. It gave the piece a rather fanciful intensity, I reckon.
Though we gave most of the prints to Mike Arrington and the Techcrunch crew for the party, I hung on to a few of them, thinking they might be valuable one day, or failing that, they’d a great little momento to a most remarkable time in Internet history.
Turns out I was right on both counts. Rock on.
[About Hugh. E-mail Hugh. Hire Hugh. Buy Hugh’s Art. Cartoon Archive.]