#MillennialMonday. Yay!
They’re our brightest generation ever. And they’re terrorizing the world of work. As businesses evolve, and we humans evolve, we need better tools to understand each other. To stay at the forefront of change. To really, just know the right answer for what to do next.
With this in mind, every Monday we’ll be giving you insights into how exactly we help the world’s brightest leadership teams manage each other better. It’s really just a matter of empathy and translation. Please share with your favorite leaders. Thank you, friends.
They want to be rock stars, they want to change the world. Instead, here they are, stuck in an office cubicle, endlessly doing mundane things that seem of little value or consequence to them.
Is this all there is? THIS???!!!!
Actually, No. The world is actually a very interesting place, with tons of amazing things needing to be done.
The trick is to be present and engaged in that world long enough to figure out where all the levers are, and when exactly to pull them.
It takes a while. It takes patience. It takes practice. It takes talent, stamina and discipline.
Above all, it takes self-belief and personal responsibility.