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healthUX – bring the outside in
Health Design Today: Bring the outside in
written by: Sheila Babnis
Today more than any time in the history of doing business, understanding what is happening in our industries and the eco-system is essential. Health is no different.
Our health eco-system is changing as I write this. What we thought was not possible even two or three years ago is reality today. How do you keep up with the pace of change that is occurring?
Here are three simple things you can do to stay current as a manager or employee:
2. Subscribe to Flipboard(or something similar). Take 15 minutes a couple of times a week to scan the health topics to understand what is happening today in health. You cannot make good business decision with outdated information and knowledge.
3. Attend non-traditional health conferences. Conferences I like to attend include:
Here are three simple things you can do to stay current as a leader:
1. Start an Innovation Advisory Board. Invite five to ten pioneering multi-generational leaders from business (not just the health industry) to join you and your leadership team for a strategic planning session. Invite three active empowered influencing patients to join the planning as well. Then be prepared to be surprised at the outcome of your session.
2. Determine your new business indicators (or metrics). For example, Pharma’s old metrics for development centered on drug approvals or launches. Today those metrics are irrelevant. The new metrics center around patient access and distribution. They drive different leader choice.
3. Develop an innovation strategy using 1) Gary Pisano’s Innovation Landscape Map to clearly understand what type of innovation, 2) determine your risk tolerance and percentages for each type of innovation; and finally 3) assess your projects against the criteria. Focus on the 20% of project that will provide you with 80% of the outcomes. Kill the rest and relentless work to accelerate how fast you can test the ideas.
4. Do at least one item on the manager/employee list.
It sounds simple because it actually is. It just takes discipline, perseverance and an open and abundant mindset. You will never go back to your old way of working once you incorporate these simple changes into how you spend your time.