Part technology, part people, part change, “the future of business” is different than we think.
The Future of Business is also the big idea behind the latest book by my friend, Brian Solis, which i drew the cartoons for. We’ve now released a presentation of all 17 images I did for Brian, with some interesting commentary from both of us:
“17 Images That Will Change Your Business.”
Why this collaboration happened: Besides being a favorite old drinking buddy from the early blogging/Web 2.0 days, Brian is one of the few people who really *gets* how all this Internet-enabled social stuff is changing business- how it’s totally messing and rearranging its entire DNA- and then also, being able to explain it to people in a way that (1) they understand and (2) they can implement. It’s pretty neat stuff.
[You can can view or download the presentation here.]
We’ll also be blogging about these images and putting them together in an eBook of their own, so stay tuned.
I hope you’ll check it out, thanks.
hello Mr Hugh, I’m pam.. i just want to start my blog for my artworks. so, can you share me what important thing to start it? thanks Mr..