For reasons too tedious to mention, every time I start Firefox I am automatically taken to this Comcast Xfinity homepage, the same people who connect my apartment to the Internet.
So this is the first thing Comcast wants to tell me about this morning, when I booted up my computer? Some trivial thing about some creepy kiddie video? OK…
Really, Comcast, Of all the amazing things in the world you could’ve shared with us, you chose this?
Seriously, is that the best you can do? Is that how you really see human potential?
Is that REALLY the signal you want to be giving out about how you see your customers?
I think you can do better. You just have to decide to. Just sayin’…
[P.S. For people working in large companies (like Comcast) who wonder why appealing to the mainstream mass market doesn’t work as well as it used to, my friend Seth Godin has a REALLY GREAT new book on the subject.]